Monday, July 22, 2013

Circuit Breaker - Overkill - NovaMute - 1993 - Acid Techno


"particulate is the latest in a string of experimental electronic music albums released by Chris Randall (of Sister Machine Gun) under his micronaut moniker.

particulate departs from his previous forays in to this realm inasmuch as it is recorded entirely without the aid of modern conveniences like MIDI and digital audio workstations. The album was written entirely on the Roland CMU-800R, which is a music peripheral for the Apple //e computer. Every sound on this EP was either sequenced from the CMU-800R or played live, and the entirety was recorded to, and summarily mixed from, an analog 8-track tape recorder.

Due to the nature of the MIDI-free environment, Chris used a limited palette of synthesizers and drum machines to record these four pieces. Korg MS-20 and 770 analog monosynths, a Korg Monotribe, a Doepfer modular synthesizer, an alphaSyntauri synth (that also runs on the Apple //e) and the Curtis granular application for the iPad, along with the sounds generated by the CMU-800R, comprise the entirety of the sonic toolbox for this EP, along with various effects hardware."

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

Korg Volca Beats and Bass gets Mangled by Elektron Octatrack

Skinny Puppy: Wielding New Weapons

"Mankind is its own worst enemy, now having become the very weapons it wields toward a self destructive path. Nivek Ogre speaks with ReGen on the topics and circumstances that led to Skinny Puppy’s latest opus, 

An InterView with Nivek Ogre of Skinny Puppy
By Ilker Yücel (Ilker81x)

 Since the early ’80s, Skinny Puppy has redefined the parameters by which modern music is judged, creating new and unorthodox sounds and styles to exemplify the truly experimental nature of industrial music. Tackling topics as diverse as animal cruelty, pharmaceutical and chemical dependency, and mental illness and insanity, Skinny Puppy has continued to explore the darker recesses of human experience. With the band’s latest opus, titled Weapon, Nivek Ogre, cEvin Key, and Mark Walk touch on humanity’s evolution toward the modern age through the advancement of various forms of weaponry, the manipulation of the media, technology, and information to the degree that mankind has become the worst weapon of all, the biggest threat to its own perpetuation. Prior to the album’s release, Ogre spoke with ReGen on his thoughts behind the album’s concept, life in the criminal age, as well as his insights into the human body/mind’s healing ability, and his concerns on a culture intent on entertaining itself to death."

 Read this excellent interview on




Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sample pack - Bulk Analog Percussion

98 light analog percussive samples made in 5 minutes. Something different and just for fun. No heavy kicks. Just a bunch of lightweight taps, knocks, and chirps to accompany the main beat.

Worms of the Earth - "Ceaseless Suffering (The Poisons of Being)"

Friday, July 12, 2013

Jian Ghomeshi and Trent. I love the Studio Q interviews. Jian is one of the very few interviewers I respect.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dharmata101 - Emancipa8

Boris Divider - The Source

Great stuff. Never heard of Boris Divider before today.

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Heisenberg Experiment - Natura Perturbata

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Saturday Scifi - Logans Run OST

No movie this week. Just the soundtrack to Logans Run. A nice blend of traditional instrumentation and the ARP 2500.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Dirty Analog Volume 1

100+ MB of dirty Monotribe sound effects and Oberheim SEM drones.
69 total @ 44.1k / 24bit. 


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

L.S.G. " Unreleased Album "

Damn good.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Banco De Gaia - Apollo

The new Banco De Gaia ablum "Apollo" dropped in April. Excellent work Mr. Marks.